Note: There are a few things that you should do to be successful in the game. Make sure you save often, especially during the later acts! One thing you should do is ask everyone (major characters) about everything in your notebook.
Secret passageways: There are a number of secret passageways in the museum they include one in Wolf's office, one in Olympia's office and one in the back room in the basement. You can access the one in Wolf's office by looking behind the painting for a button, it leads to Carrington's office. In Ernie's office you can press the button on the left wall, then head to the back room to follow it, this one leads out through the middle coffin in the Egyptian display room. In Olympia's office you can touch the horned thing on the desk to enter a passage into the vat room. Make sure you turn on the lantern before entering any passages, you WILL die if you don't have it turned on.
Money: You don't need any, you can get cab rides by showing the driver your press pass.
Before playing the game: Watch the introduction before the game in order to understand who's who and what's what, as well as pick up vital clues to the case.
Act I - A Nose for News.
You begin in the
New York Registered News Tribune building. You have been hired to work
there, and your first assignment is to investigate the theft of the priceless
Egyptian artifact recently discovered ... The Dagger of Amun Ra! But you
are Laura Bow, not only will you write a great story covering the theft,
but you solve the case as well (if you play the game properly)! You start
by your desk, Sitting beside you working on an article, is Crodfoller T.
Rhubarb, who was previously assigned to the dagger case and has left some
notes for you in your notebook. Ask him about everything in it. Then click
your hand on the garbage can, and you will find a baseball, take it, you
will need it later. Now sit down at your desk and peel up the bottom right
corner of your desk blotter, you will find a key. Use the key to open your
desk drawer. In the desk you find a press pass which you take. Now click
EXIT, to get out of the desk screen and now go over and read the bulletin
board. On the board one of the notices will say something about wearing
descent clothing when attending public formal functions. Go outside and
hail a taxi by clicking on the TAXI sign. Show the driver, Rocco, your
press pass and he will take you anywhere in your notebook (accept New York,
because that would just be stupid). At this moment ask him to bring you
to the police station (you can also walk across the street from the Trib,
but you must look both ways or you will be run over. NOTE: You will know
that you have looked both ways, and there are no cars when the voice-over
says "There are no cars coming in this direction" once you have clicked
the eye icon on either side of the road. Don't cross until this happens.).
Once you are outside the police station, click on the homeless man sleeping
under the newspaper, to try and wake him up. After he doesn't wake up,
go into the police station and talk to the desk clerk. Now go back outside
and you will see that the homeless man in gone, but his newspaper is still
there. Get the coupon for a free sandwich at Luigi's and cross the street
(or take a cab), back to the Trib. A sandwich stand is outside of the newspaper
building, give the vendor the coupon and take the sandwich. Go back to
the police station and give the clerk the sandwich. He will tell you the
password to the speakeasy when you ask about it. Take this time to see
O'Riley, he is in his office, the back room of the police station. You
will get to talk to him and look at his file before he throws you out.
Leave to police station and take a cab to the 12th street docks. At the
docks you will meet a hottie dock worker named Steve, talk with him. He
seems very interested when you mention that you are going to a formal party
at the museum tonight. When he takes off, call the taxi and ask the driver
to take you to the flower shop/speakeasy. Go to the door at the side and
knock. When the man says business hours are over tell him you know the
secret word. Choose the word 'Charleston' from your notebook (under miscellaneous).
He will let you in and you will find yourself in a room with a bar, dancers
singers and a table full of people. The little man in the tux, sitting
on the right is Ziggy. Tell him Crodfoller sent you, then talk to him about
everything in your notebook. Leave the speakeasy and cross the street to
the laundry mat. Talk to the kids and trade your baseball for their magnifying
glass. Now cross the street again and hail a taxi. The taxi will be filled
with garbage. Stay in the taxi and rummage around until you find a yellow
laundry claim ticket. Ask the man to bring you to the laundry mat. Go inside
and talk to Lo Fat. Give him the claim ticket and get your dress. Now go
back the speakeasy and go into the bathroom at the back of the room on
your right. The hooker in there knows about the countess. Ask her about
the stuff in your notebook, she doesn't know much though. Now get changed
into your dress and leave the speakeasy. A taxi will come and bring you
to the party.
Act II - Suspects on Parade
Show your press
pass to Wolf, he will keep it and let you into the party. The first thing
you should do is go into the gift shop (the door on the left). Look at
the case at the back of the store with your magnifying glass until you
find a dagger without the inscription 'made in Pittsburgh' on it. When
you have found this Wolf will kick you out of the gift shop. If Wolf doesn't
come keep trying because you cant progress past the party in the game unless
he does. 7:30- When you leave the gift shop, start questioning. Question
every key person at the party (they include, the Countess, Dr. Carter,
Dr. Carrington, Ziggy, Yvette, Dr. Myklos, Detective O'Riley and Rameses
Najeer). After you have done this, listen to all of the private conversations,
while doing this, if you visit the main screen often enough, you will meet
Steve, the hottie dock worker. Steve and you will go outside for a little
talk. When you return, continue to listen to the conversations until you
hear one between Steve and Yvette. You will notice that the room is now
empty, the party is now over. Grab a glass off of the left table on the
second screen and enter the door behind the giant mask of Tutankhamun.
You are not allowed to go the the Old Masters Gallery yet, so lets look
at the dinosaur display. Exit the mastodon room to the right of the screen,
and go into the door at the top of the screen. Take the bone at the left
side of the screen. Walk over and push the button on the right side of
the screen, the dinosaur will start talking (his voice seems very similar
to Steve's, doesn't it?). Leave the room and go left, to the armor room,
now go up twice, to the ancient Egypt display. Take a look around, look
at the dagger case, but don't touch and read some of the things on the
wall, you might learn something. Go left, look at the Rosetta Stone with
your magnifying glass. The egyptian translation of half of the english
alphabet will be in your notebook now. Look at the blood on the floor next
to the gold medallion ... hey, haven't you seen that around someone's neck
before (Ptahsheptut Smith if you didn't catch that.)? You will notice a
footprint in blood on the floor, look at it closer. Open the right coffin
to discover the body of Dr. Pippin Carter! Search his body with the magnifying
glass, look at the grape stains and get his notepad. Exit the scene of
the body.
Act III- On the Cutting Edge
8:15 pm - Watch
while detective O'Riley interrogates possible witness'. 10:00 pm - You
talk to Ernie Leach, the museum janitor, he informs you that the doors
are now locked and that you will have to go to him to get out. You speak
to Detective O'Riley for a minute, after this enter the mastodon room and
go right twice, to the armor room. Open the middle armor and discover Dr.
Carter's body once again. Go back to the mastodon room and left, to the
old master's gallery. Go down to the offices' and you will hear muffled
voices coming from the door to Yvette's office. Click the drinking glass
from the table on the door and you will hear an interesting conversation
between Yvette and Olympia. Go into Olympia's office (to the right) and
uncover the Rosetta stone (under the white sheet). Grab the snake oil on
the desk and Olympia will come in and take it. Leave the office and enter
Yvette's office. Click your hand on the lamp to turn it off, now look at
it with the magnifying glass to see the light bulb. It is too hot to take
just yet. Look in the garbage and you will find a piece of carbon paper,
take it and enter the back office. You are now standing in Dr. Carrington's
office. You should hear the muffled voices of Yvette and Rameses, use the
glass to hear their steamy conversation. Look at the purple phone book
on Carrington's desk, remember the number under B-Sayff - 0527. Click on
the picture on the back wall, it will open to reveal a safe, open the safe
with the code from the book. Once the safe is opened read the diary of
the former president of the museum. In the diary he expresses his concerns
about his wife, the countess. Take this time to look at the red book in
the book case, 'Crime and Punishment' and get the file on Watney Little.
Also look at the note on the desk - Countess and Ziggy at 1:00, medieval
armor display. Look at the intercom with your Magnifying glass, click the
high button closest to you then any of the first three, you should overhear
three conversations, one between Yvette and O'Riley, one between Ziggy
and Ernie and one strange one between Wolf and Olympia. Look at the fireplace
and get the charcoal. Use the charcoal on Pippin's notepad and read it,
it lists some of his appointments. Leave the office and get the light bulb
from Yvette's desk lamp. Leave this office and touch the head of the statue
outside, go left. You will see a passageway leading down. You will notice
the light goes out, but guess what? We have a light bulb! Replace it and
head downstairs. Using the bone smash the glass on the left of the screen
and take the lantern. Don't worry about Wolf, just keep trying until you
get the lamp. Once you have it, go into Wolf's office (the door at
the top of the screen). Use the dinosaur bone on the mousetrap on the floor,
a little harsh! Poor mice! Take the cheese on the floor. By now you should
hear the dirty message for Wolf from Olympia. Look at the bookshelf on
the left side zoom in on the third to the bottom shelf, a book will be
backwards. Remove this book, it has and awfully odd bookmark, a garter!
Yvette's garter (what a surprise)! Take it and read the note attached.
Leave the office and enter the door to the right. Listen to the conversation
in Ernie's office, you can walk into the room but you will get kicked out.
You can also walk into the room at the top of the screen but you will get
kicked out of there too. Go back upstairs and take this time to look at
the carbon paper from Yvette's garbage, hold it up to the light bulb. Go
left and listen to the conversation (using the cup) taking place in Yvette's
office. You can also walk in there but you will get kicked out again. 10:15
pm - Go to the Egyptian room to speak with Dr. Smith (he is suppose to
be meeting Carter, remember?). Now go to the pterodactyl room. Oh no! The
bodies are pilling up! We don't yet know who this is, it's not easy to
identify him for some reason (hmm). Look at the body carefully. 11:15
pm - go left and down, into the life mask room. Look at the grayish head
on the wall. Hey! That's not a life mask! It's, it's, it's Ziggy's head!!!!
Detective O'Riley and Wolf seem to think YOU have something to do with
the deaths! (Well you have to admit it is a LITTLE suspicious). Go downstairs
and try to enter Ernie's office. Get the white thing on the floor (the
snake lasso). Open the toolbox and get the pliers. If you can't go into
Ernie's office, try going to Wolf's office and then try again to get into
Ernie's office, if you still can't, never mind you can go later, but you
must get the snake lasso and pliers eventually. Return to Yvette's office
and look at her paper cutter. Go into to Dr. Carrington's office to find
HIS dead body. Search the body for clues, look at the clock next to the
body and examine the letters written in blood, they spell "C.P." 12:15
pm - Enter Yvette's office and return to Dr. Carrington's office. Listen
at the door and you will hear a conversation between Dr. Smith and Yvette,
she is asking him to help her cover something on her carpet. Go to the
armor room and hide behind the tapestry on the left wall. 1:00 am - The
countess will enter the room with paintings. After You accuse her of stealing
the paintings (automatic). Now is a good time to question her about Sterling's
diary (it should be in the miscellaneous part of your notebook). If you
have the wire cutters from Ernie's office look at the dead body of Ziggy.
Click the cutters on the wire to the left to take it. Go into the alcohol
vat room and click on vat #13, warthogs. You will go fishing inside the
vat and find .... the Dagger of Amun Ra! Go back upstairs to the Old Master's
Gallery. Look at the shining thing on the painting on the right with your
magnifying glass, look at it again, and you will see a key. Take the key
with either the wire cutters or, if you don't have them, the dagger. Go
downstairs, if you have not gone into Ernie's office, go now. If he is
there talk to him. Go into the back room, where you saw Olympia before.
Get the snake oil on the table, and the slab of meat out of the freezer.
Open the steamer trunk under the table using the key and QUICKLY click
the meat on it (to avoid being eaten by the beetles)! Look inside the trunk,
ach! A skeleton! But who is it? Lets inspect it, search it for clues. You
will find a watch, inspect it closely (click the finger on it then the
magnifying glass) and you will find that it belonged to Dr. Carrington!
Could the skeleton be Dr. Carrington himself? Yes! Somebody is impersonating
him! 1:45 am - Return to Ernie's office, not again! That Yvette! Leave
and go upstairs. Listen at Yvette's office, she accuses O'Riley of having
something to do with the dagger theft. Ohh! It's almost time for Olympia
to meet Wolf, quickly go to the medieval armor display and hide behind
the tapestry. 2:00 am - listen to Olympia and Wolf's discussion, you don't
WANT to hear the rest of THAT one! Go to the mastodon room, Oh no! Ernie
is dead! Search his body, you will find animal hairs and smell alcohol,
he was drowned in an alcohol vat! 2:15 am - Go into the Old Masters Gallery
and report the murder.
Act IV - Museum of the Dead
Be careful in this
act, save it often! Go into Yvette's office, she will tell you about Ernie
and why he may have been killed. When you leave her office you will meet
Steve (the hottie), in the hall with Olympia. But you don't get a good
chance to talk to him, Yvette grabs him too fast! 2:45 am - Listen to the
conversation through the door. You will go in and then leave, disappointed
in Steve. Go into the vat room in the basement, you will notice that Yvette
and Wolf did not meet as planned. 3:00 am - Return to Yvette's office.
You will notice that there was a struggle here. Inspect the altered items
carefully and leave the room. Enter the Old Masters Gallery and you will
notice a new piece with a slightly familiar subject. Crack the statue using
the bone and you will notice that it is Yvette. 3:15 pm - Examine Yvette's
body. Look at the "necktie", get the glasses and the red hairs. Head to
the Medieval armor room and get the boot. Return to the area where the
offices are and you will see a conversation between Olympia and the Countess.
Apparently the Countess isn't doing to well, actually she is dying. Visit
her in Olympia's office, uh oh! The snake is loose! Use the snake oil on
it three times to corner it, then use the snake lasso from Ernie's office
on it and put it back in it's cage. Go into the basement vat room. Refill
the snake oil (click it on the liquid on the table in the bottom left hand
corner of the screen). Go back upstairs and inspect the body of the countess.
Get the smelling salts and the grapes. Look at her left ankle, she has
been bitten by a snake. Exit the image of the body. 4:15 am - Exit Olympia's
Act V - Rex Takes a Bite Out of Crime
This act is very
fast paced, you are being chased by the killer! You must use your wits
(and this walkthrough) to escape him. Save often. You start off being chased,
run right into the pterodactyl room. Close the doors and bind then with
the wire. Run left into the medieval armor display, go up once. Move the
chair in front of the door and open the little window above it. Get down
and run into the Ancient Egypt display (up). Go left and hide in the left
coffin (the one that the guy DIDN'T die in). When the killer leaves get
out of the coffin and run right, then down. You will notice that the door
to the storage room is open, enter the storage room and push the box above
your head in front of the door (just click on it). Move the box to the
right of the room to reveal a secret elevator. Go down into the Egyptian
coffin storage room (you'd think that they would be on display!). Take
the lid off of the coffin on the floor and jam the door closed with it
(how on earth did Laura get that into her purse?). Use the snake lasso
on the snake on the head of the standing up coffin to the left of the screen.
Open it to reveal another secret passage, this one leading somewhere very
different! Enter the passage. You will enter the ceremony room of the cult
of Amun Ra, and guess who the cult leader is, (my favorite character) Rameses
Najeer! He wants to SACRIFICE you! In order to live you have to answer
a riddle - "What room to you leave without entering?" Go to miscellaneous
section of your notebook and spell out "WOMB" in hieroglyphics. The second
part is "What room to you enter without leaving?" Spell out "TOMB." Personally
I think that they should have used the riddle of the sphinx a real riddle
from ancient times, - "What has four legs in the morning, two legs at midday
and three legs in the evening -- man" (man crawls on all fours as a child,
walks with two legs as an adult and walks with a cane in old age). But
what can ya do. N E ways, you will exit the secret cult room into the furnace
room. You will notice something, no, SOMEONE in the coal heap. Clear of
the face and you will recognize Steve. Use the smelling salts to revive
him and quickly give him his boot. Once he is up, get him to help you move
the huge stone plaque on the wall. You will enter a narrow, dark passage.
To brighten up the room, turn on your lamp by clicking the finger on it.
You will see the Olympia's lost snakes, good thing you have your trusty
snake oil. Use it on them and follow the passage further. You will hear
some gunshots coming from behind, you have to hurry. When you see the rats,
throw the cheese from Wolf's office into either the far opening (to get
rid of them without hurting them) or the near one (to send them into the
furnace). Enter the far passage. You will come out of (a very odd place),
Rex's mouth. Quickly push the button to make him talk, Rex will take a
bite out of crime. BREATH!
Act VI - The Coroner's Inquest
This act is rather
boring, but it determines your progress in the entire game. The coroner
asks you a bunch of questions and you have to answer them correctly. Here
are the questions and answers:
Who murdered Carter? | Detective O' Riley | Financial gain |
Who murdered Ziggy? | Detective O' Riley | Cover another crime |
Who murdered Ernie? | Detective O' Riley | Cover another crime |
Who murdered Yvette? | Detective O' Riley | Jealousy |
Who murdered the Countess? | Detective O' Riley | Cover another Crime |
Who was the skeleton? | Dr. Carrington | N/A |
Who murdered Carrington? | Watney Little | N/A |
Who murdered Watney Little? | Detective O' Riley | Cover another crime |
Who stole the dagger? | Watney Little | N/A |
Who manipulated Watney? | Detective O' Riley | N/A |
Who was the woman stealing paintings? | The Countess | N/A |
Who was the man stealing paintings? | Watney Little | N/A |
Who was the middleman in the painting scheme? | Ziggy | N/A |
Who is the high priest of the sun worshippers? | Rameses Najeer | N/A |
Who owns a fencing business? | Ernie Leach | N/A |
The above answers will allow to to
successfully complete the game. You can also partially fail by either not
finding the dagger thief or misleading the coroner about the murders, or
completely fail by doing both of these.
If any part of the above walkthrough
does not work please inform me via e-mail and I will correct it.
[email protected]