This page includes all members in the cast of Laura Bow 1- The Colonels Bequest in alphabetical order.
Beauregard is the household dog. He belongs to Dijon. Keep your eye out
for objects he may want, or maybe things he's taken into his possession
that belongs to someone else.
the Colonels horse. Although he is pretty well ignored, and hasn't been
rode for years, Blaze is a trustworthy steed, and can be extremely helpful,
if of course, you befriend him.
the Colonels live in cook, and a part of his faithful staff. Once you befriend
her, she is a pleasant individual, although she has many strange beliefs
and practices.
Clarence- Dijon's trusted accountant, although Clarence is in no way trustworthy.
He has a nice swindle going on with Dr. Wilbur. Clarence is upset because
his girlfriend recently broke it off with him. He is a very ill mannered
man, so don’t expect to be conversing with him a lot.
Ethel- Lillian’s mother, and Henri's low cultured sister. A queer woman,
she is constantly having arguments with her daughter. You will not get
a lot of information from her because your chances to talk to her while
she's sober are few.
Fifi- The Colonel’s sexy French maid, she is trying desperately to get
onto Henri’s Will. She would go to any extent to get in on some money or
the Colonel's estate. She is also in love with the butler, Jeeves.
Gertie- The mother of Rudy and Gloria. She married into the Dijon family,
and is a sour woman who is so proud that it becomes irritable. You don't
get a lot of time to get in a conversation with her.
Gloria- An extravagant small-time film star who thinks very highly of herself.
She has a small medical problem that she would appreciate being kept a
secret. She is breaking up with her boyfriend to go out with a film director.
Henri- The owner of the estate and the object of most conflicts and discussions
you "overhear". He is a sick old miser who is, in his will, dividing his
fortune between all of the characters present in his house (not including
Laura). Who will own Henri’s estate after he dies all depends on this night.
Through most of the night he is a rude cranky man.
Jeeves- Henri’s faithful butler. He is more than a little rude to you throughout
the night (what’s the deal with never asking YOU if you want a drink?).
He and Fifi the maid are involved some hanky panky when they think that
no one is looking.
Laura- The character you control and, well, the only completely sane person
in the freaking house. She is one of the only female characters in a sierra
adventure game that you control that has a head on her shoulders. Laura's
dad was a detective and the memory of him gives you helpful clues and hints
along your adventure. Her best friend Lillian, the abnormal niece of Henri,
invited Laura to the Colonels Home. Laura spends her night wandering around
the grounds, looking for clues and trying not to get killed.
Lillian- Laura’s friend from Tulane University, she is the one who invited
Laura to the house. Henri is Lillian’s uncle (on her mothers side). Laura
notices that even Lillian is acting strange this evening.
Polly- the colonels noisy bird. He can be found by the bar. Polly is the
only one who knows all that goes on in the house, he is a good source of
information. You can get him to talk by giving him something he wants.
Rudy- The brother of Gloria Swanson, and the son of Gertie. Rudy is the
spoiled nephew of the Colonel. Like everyone else he thinks that he is
deserving of Henri’s money. Rudy is a distant character who is off on his
own a lot. He doesn’t have many secrets but he is protective of his sister.
Wilbur- Henri’s perverted doctor; there is not much point in talking to
him all he does is come on to you. He informs you that the Colonel is not
as sick as he appears. He is also the doctor that treated Gloria’s medical
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