Below are profiles and pictures for each character in Laura Bow 2; The Dagger of Amun Ra. They appear in alphabetical order and are available for your pleasure and use. We don't mind you downloading our pictures for your web sites etc. Enjoy!
Dr. Archibald Carrington- The new president of the Lyendecker Museum. He
seems like a kind sociable man on the outside but he has quite a few skeletons
in his…ahem… closet.
Bathroom Flapper- The woman in the bathroom. She flirts with you and asks
you if you know the Countess. It gets you some info on what kind of person
the Countess is.
Bob- The man who drives the messy cab. Apparently he hasn't cleaned it
out in two years. You can find a useful item in the jumble of garbage in
the back seat. He is a rude perverted man but you couldn't play the game
without him.
Bum- the man outside the police station that supplies a useful newspaper.
If you look closely at it after he has left you may find a coupon. Somebody
is hungry in the police station.
Crodfoller T. Rubarb- "Rube" as he prefers to be called, is the man who
sits beside you at the Tribune. He was working on the dagger case before
you came along and now he is writing obituaries. Ask him about everyone
in your book. You get a lot of useful info from him.
"Crooner" Jensmith and Dr. Jazz- The "dancing chanteuse" and her piano
playing assistant are the entertainment at the speakeasy. Not very important
people but they play some catchy tunes!
Desk Sergeant- The hungry man at the police station who will give you some
useful information if you give him some good food. You need this info to
pass the game.
Ernie Leach- Ernie is the custodian at the Lyendecker Museum. He also has
a good fencing business going on that supports him outside his job at the
Lyendecker. He and Yvette are good… um… friends. Yes friends. Yvette says
he was the only man she really cared about.
Henri La Mort- The coroner who reviews the murders at the Lyendecker. He
will ask you questions that will shape your final score. He is a creepy
guy, and what is up with that name. Your game depends on the answers you
give this man so be careful.
John Bow- Your daddy. He is only in the introduction, he sends you off
to New York and he got you the job at the Tribune. He also gives you some
pointers in the last game.
The Kids- The kids who play outside Lo Fats laundry. They are frying
ants with their magnifying glass. They will trade it for something you
Laura Bow- You should know all about her by now!
Countess Lavinia Waldourf Carlton- The widow of the former president of
the museum. She also has a little something going on with the new president.
She and him have a good scam going on.
Lo Fat- The man who runs the Chinese laundry place in New York. If you
give him and old laundry claim ticket he will give you a formal dress to
wear at the Lyendecker party.
Dr. Olympia Myklos- A strange woman who has very unusual interests, such
as death, scars, ferrets and snakes. She and Wolfe are a perfect couple,
Olympia meets Wolfe several times she apparently wants to look at his "private
scars". Olympia is a great character, one of my favorites.
Detective O'Riliey- The head detective at the New York police station.
He is involved with Yvette and thinks she is faithful to him (Yea right!
What the hell is wrong with this guy?). You can get into talk to him at
the police station and he will show you the police report about the dagger
theft. By the way, he likes grapes.
Dr. Pippin Carter- Dr. Carter is the man who found the great artifact,
The Dagger of Amun Ra. He was quite upset when he learned it was stolen.
Dr. Carter is one of the only men who think Yvette is a trollop. Dr. Carter
is an ignorant man.
Rameses Najeer- The best character in the game, in my opinion. Ramses came
to New York from Egypt a few years before. He is the accountant for the
museum. He has some interesting hobbies which he practices in the basement
of the Lyendecker. He likes to tell odd and confusing riddles.
Rocco- The nice cab driver. His cab is actually clean. He chats with you
when he is taking you places, he is polite and calls you Madam.
Sam Agustini- The editor of the Tribune. He and your dad are old friends.
Your dad talked him into giving you the job. You meet Sam only once during
the course of the game, in the introduction.
Steve Dorian- The dreamy stevedore that you meet down at the docks. He
has a crush on you, if you tell him about the party at the Lyendecker
he will come. He spends all his money on you just to come see you at the
Party. He seems pretty pathetic so you agree to a date with this handsome
Dr. Tut Smith- An Egyptologist who is very upset about the dagger being
taken out of Egypt. He is ignorant and doesn't respect you I the least.
Well until the end at least.
Wolfe Heilmich- The security guard at the Lyendecker Museum. He has very
odd ways of punishment, and he is very strict. Olympia likes scars, she
is most interested in his "private" scars.
Yvette Delicroix- The new assistant to Dr. Archibald Carrington. Before
she worked at the museum, she was a… um… streetwalker. She is involved
with numerous men and is good friends with Olympia. She is a French trollop
and gets by on her looks. She claims she loves Ernie Leach, but you never
know with her.
Ziggy- Ziggy is involved with the speakeasy and is a very naïve man.
He is also the middle-man in a scam going on between the Countess and Archibald.
Ziggy knows Yvette from her days before the museum. He is an annoying
little man that nobody really likes.
If there is anyone else you can think
of who has a speaking part, email us at [email protected]
(You true Sierra gamers can figure
out were we got THAT email address from!)